Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NOT a White Christmas???

So, it wasn't officially a white Christmas. That's what the National Weather Service is saying. Apparently, the official reading of precipation is done at 7 a.m. each morning, and at 7 a.m. on Christmas day, the ground was dry, and the sun was peeking up over the trees. Well, we certainly enjoyed our white Christmas (the day-after version).
Rick pulls the boys in the sled in the backyard

Sam attempts to rescue his new truck, which got stuck.

Jack's refusal to wear gloves lasted until his hands got wet:)

The sideyard leading to the backyard--beautiful!

Sam was allowed to go outside for 5 minutes. He had a fever which had started the night before, but it was just plain mean to tell him he could not play in the snow, so we bundled him up and let him play for five short minutes. When his time was up, he was ready to go in.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow, how beautiful! We have rain here and my weather on my computer says 58 degrees! Crazy, hey? It sure looks like fun though. Sorry to hear Sam had a fever. Tell him Grandma is with him in trying to get better.

Love and Miss my boys!