Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Field Hands

Ashley and I chose a beautiful Saturday afternoon to take the kids strawberry picking while the hubbies mowed the lawns (or so they said;)). It was warm but breezy when we pulled up late in the day, and the farmer who met us at the patch said a lot of the big berries were picked earlier, but we might be able to find some left near the center of the plants. We set out with all four kids (Ashley was 9-months pregnant), and found plenty of strawberries. Sam stayed close by me and was really good about only picking the red berries--and even avoiding the smaller ones. Jack & Noah headed off on their own and came back with a basket containing an assortment of red and white berries, stems, spiders, and rocks. Ashley really did pick all the berries for her family; her kids were no help at all. The pictures say a thousand words--berry-stained faces, red and sweaty from the late-day sun--the kids had a blast. From our four pounds of berries, I made three strawberry-rhubarb pies (the first pies I've ever made from scratch, including crusts!).
Heading back to the car after an obligatory trip to play on the tractors
Sam was in charge of quality control!

Our strawberries...for every two picked, one was eaten!

Neighbor Ava ate every single strawberry she picked!

Look at that berry-stained face!

Berry booty!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow, looks like work. Great job guys eating and picking berries.

And Congrats Christie on the homemade pies! How did they turn out?

I have a good and easy oil crust if you ever want it.

Love ya,
From Grandma who loves you very much and Mom :-)