Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Big Man! (Birthday Week Begins!)

My three-year-old (minus one day) responded "yes, I'd like green...with blueberries" when I asked him if I could make him some pancakes for breakfast on the morning of his birthday. So, that explains the first picture (you were wondering, weren't you?) He did indeed enjoy green and blue pancakes on his morning.
What a fun birthday! Jack's teachers invited Sam and me to join their class for cookies and dancing (two- and three-year-olds are the BEST dancers!). We spent the warm, sunny afternoon playing outside with our friends eating ice cream cones, and then we enjoyed dinner with Dad. What a difference a year makes! Jack really got into opening his presents. Some favorites, so far: a 7-foot shark kite from Grandma, new Lightning McQueen rainboots from Mom and Dad, and a Thomas the Train lighthouse bridge from Pepa.
The boys and I celebrated again with lunch on Wednesday with friends, followed by playgroup (more celebrations), and we're partying with the fam and neighbors on Saturday (Sam's birthday)---whew! Birthday week is in full swing!

1 comment:

Mahmood Syedfaheem said...

Happy birth day to big man. Cute kids. Wish you all the best.