Friday, February 6, 2009

Not-so-Snow Day

Upon waking up one morning last week, Jack noticed that there was snow on the ground--the news called it a "blanket;" really, it was more like a doily. With excitement, he ran to the closet and began pulling out his sleds, assigning the names of friends and relatives to each one. I tried to break it to him gently, "Hon, I'm not sure...there doesn't seem to be enough...well, let's try." I poured myself some coffee and him some hot chocolate into mugs, and we headed outside--sleds in hand. He put my sled down on the snow (grass), looked up at me expectantly, and as I plopped down, he squealed, "Wheeeeeee! Go Mommy!" I tried, I really did. But in the end, we used the sleds as seats, which kept our bums warm as we sipped our hot beverages.

1 comment:

Linda said...

How much fun! Still a memory maker!