Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sam's 9-month Check-up

Our beloved Dr. Wrinkle gave Sam a clean bill of health at his 9-month check-up. Despite a little crabbiness (brought on by not-to-distant memories of syringes from the last time we visited), Sam is a healthy boy. Here are some stats and accomplishments:
*19 lbs., 4 oz.
*28 1/2 inches long
*2 teeth (still!)
*says "night-night"
*pulls up on everything and even lets go sometimes (can stand unassisted for a few seconds)
*crawls up the entire staircase by himself
*walks with push toys
*eats a ton of food! (scrambled eggs, cheerios, veggies, fruits, macaroni and cheese, waffles, yogurt, crackers, etc.)
*loves digging in dirt and pine needles

1 comment:

Linda said...

Yea for Sam! Our strong, growing, intelligent boy who likes dirt! So cute!

Good to see his healthy interest in God's creation. And just in case he tries to taste his pine needle/dirt combo, remember the saying as it goes... "God made dirt, so it can't hurt!"

Love ya Sam!!!