Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter (and Happy Anniversary!)

There's my future scientist, Jack, watching over his little egg experiment. He discovered a new color, and there's no better way to describe it except "yellow-purple." Well, happy Easter (belated)! Life has been full and fun, and I don't get on here as much as I'd like, but I did want to note that this is the anniversary of our blog--one whole year of blogging fun! I'm so glad I started this "scrapbook," and yes, that's what this is! My boys do not have baby books...there, I admitted it! This is much more fun--for all of us. There are rainy days when I pull all my boyz up to the computer to look back at all the fun we've had together. Jack loves the videos--especially when he's the star:) So, Happy us! Thanks to Auntie La-La for the bunny ears--we got a lot of use out of them.

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