Monday, October 13, 2008

Race for Isabella

Jack, Sam and I enjoyed a fun morning walking/running a 5K race for a little girl named Isabella who is fighting a rare form of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. We left Rick at home (still lame with his sore club, um...I mean foot). We walked most of the race, which was run at a local business park, but when Jack saw the Merrill Lynch bronze bull statues, he asked, "Mommy, may I play on the dinosaurs?" There were three of these huge statues in a large grassy area, and I have to admit--it did look like fun! Sam was sleeping away in his seat, so we stopped--mid-race--to play on the bulls. Then, we had to run to catch up to everyone. It was a great workout for a good cause, and who was there to meet us at the finish line? The Chik-fil-a cow, whom Jack thought was very cool.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Jackson, I am so proud of you helping that little girl that does not feel well by walking in that race. You are doing good things that Jesus is storing up in heaven already at 2 years old. WOWOW!

And yes you looked real nice riding that big bull and talking with that funny looking cow.

Keep up the good work!!!! Grandma is proud of you and your Mommy and Sammy, too... And praying for your Daddy and sore foot.

Love Grandma