He actually did pretty well until the nurse got a little too close for comfort, and he started making strange. I was trying to convince him that getting weighed and measured would be the highlight of his visit, but he wasn't hearing that (over his screaming). While we were waiting for the doctor, he tore up the paper on the bed, which was great fun for him. So, he was all smiles for Dr. Wrinkle...until he got a little too close for comfort. More screaming.
To round out the morning, he got two shots (new levels of screaming). An hour past naptime, we headed home (a 3-minute commute, seriously), and when I went to get him out of his carseat he was fast asleep. Here are the stats for my big, six-month-old:
Height: 28" (90th %)--yikes! Up from 50th % at 4-month visit
Weight: 16 lbs., 14 oz. (50th %)
Noggin: still 10th %
Special Skills and Interests:
*spins in circles on his belly
*scoots backward
*can catch himself with his hand if he starts to fall from sitting up
*master drooler and bubble blower
*can stand and play against a table or couch
*rocks on all fours (thinks about crawling)
*cracks up if Jack tackles him (picture above)
*enjoys playing in Jack's bed with him
*enjoys playing in Jack's bed with him
*sleeps 11-12 hours at night and 3-4 hours during the day (in three naps)
1 comment:
What a cutie and such a big, growing boy!!!
Tell him it is okay about doctor visits, I still cry when I have to go...ha.
Love ya Sam,
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